Local Partners is the key sustainability partner of Sucafina Colombia. This company is one of the 5 largest companies in the coffee sector worldwide, so its importance is vital for the development of the brand. It is a large company that is also working hard to control the large number of farms and supply chains they have.
Sustainability company focusing on assisting coffee exports
of land analysed for the EUDR
Farm located in Colombia
The collaboration with Local Partners and Sucafina Colombia is vital to the development and strengthening of the brand, given their commitment to sustainability and ability to manage a vast network of farms and supply chains. The location that Coolx has worked with to ensure the objectives of the EUDR solution is Finca El Refugio.
Local Partners not only stands out for its size and influence in the coffee industry, but also for its dedication to sustainable and responsible practices. This partnership allows us to ensure that the coffee beans we offer our customers are not only of the highest quality, but also ethically and sustainably produced. Their goal is to guarantee complete traceability from the farm to the cup of coffee that consumers enjoy.
Preliminary study of Local Partners' and Sucafina Colombia's farms according to EUDR criteria.
Collection of mandatory documents to comply with the EUDR solution.
Deforestation, as well as natural and indigenous protected areas.
It has managed to learn and integrate a new methodology to comply with the EUDR on some of its farms.
It was possible to visualise which farms were at risk of deforestation and which were not.
The farms were checked for compliance with the legality of the country of origin, as required by the EUDR.
Local Partners, backed by the strength of Sucafina Colombia, provides an efficient network of farms and supply chains in the coffee industry. Working with Coolx ensures the traceability of each bean and compliance with high standards of sustainability and environmental responsibility. In this way, we both strengthen our brand and offer an ethical and quality coffee, adapted to an increasingly conscious market.